First Covid-19 Vaccine By Russia | Detail Explanation

First Covid-19 Vaccine By Russia | Detail Explanation

Russia became the first country to introduce covid-19 vaccine. Everybody have one question Is This The End Of Coronavirus? Russian president approved the covid-19 vaccine for civilians on 11th August, 2020.

Finally, a wait is over. As per the Russian government. As a whole world is waiting for the covid-19 vaccine, a big news is out that, Russia claims the first ever covid-19 vaccine.

In this blog, we will get to know how the vaccine works, and the criticism by many doctors, scientists, peoples and countries about the first ever introduced covid-19 vaccine. 
They are doubtful about its efficiency. Does it really work or not? Is Russia risking their citizens life?

Its nearly nine months into the covid-19 outbreak, Russia became the first country to grant, REGULATORY APPROVAL, to a covid-19 vaccine for civilian use.

President, VLADIMIR PUTIN, announced on Tuesday.
If you do not know: Putin`s daughter, got a shot of the vaccine. Now you can imagine, how serious is Russia about the vaccine. The first ever vaccine by Russia name is  : GAM COVID VAC LYO

The vaccine will be called "Sputnik V" in foreign markets.
It is developed by, Moscow`s Gamaleya Institute, in collaboration with the country`s defense ministry. Do you know how does it work?Russia`s vaccine is based on the DNA of a SARS COV 2 type adenovirus, a common cold virus.The vaccine uses the weakened virus, to deliver, small parts of pathogen, and stimulate an immune response.

Here is the process: firstly, a weak or dead form of the germ is introduced. Secondly, this sparks your immune response, to develop antibodies that remember the germ. And thirdly, the antibodies fight off the germ if it invades germ. BUT, this vaccine has let to scepticism, regarding its safety and effectiveness. Since it is being approved for civilian use, even before the clinical trails are completed.

Why have experts raised concerns?
Because of the SUPERFAST SPEED production of the vaccine, has raised the most concern. 
The fast runner vaccines were: OXFORD ASTRA ZENICA, MODERNA and PFIZER till now. But the Russia  vaccine won all of the and introduced the first ever vaccine. The fast approach of Russia vaccine, led concern by experts for the citizens life. As you do not know this vaccine was completed in less than two months. As in normal condition, the vaccine were produced in several years, because of its different phases in human trails.

Let me explain about the process in vaccine manufacturing.
At first vaccines are prepared in laboratory. Then after it goes for pre-clinical trail. If you don not know about the pre-clinical trail, then it is basically about the trail in animals. Then comes the clinical trail, where there are 3 phases. Phase 1, phase 2 and phase 3. 
Then only it gets approved and gets to manufacturing.

Why did Russia approved?
Russia publish only phase 1 trail, and claims that it was very successful that it produced the appropriate, and desired immune response to the body.
As Russia TASS news agency claims no side effects while experimenting in volunteers.
In June 17, 76 volunteers were in the trail. Among them most were of military.
In that trail, half vaccine were, in liquid form and half were in soluble powder.
According to the news report, the phase 2 trails were started, on july 13.
on August 13, Russian media reported, the GAMALEYA INSTITUTE has completed clinical trails.
This led to suspicion that, whether they really finished the trailsl or not?

Now let's see what Russia says.
Russia claimed it closely resembles the MERS ( MIDDLE EAST RESPIRATORY SYNDROME), which was also introduced by RUSSIA.

Now let's see interest of other country?
Head of Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), Kirill Dmitriev, who bank rolled the project said:
more than 20 countries have shown, interest in producing Russian vaccine.

Many countries are affected by this pandemic of covid-19. If you are interested in:
Top 10 most affected countries, then you can see the video down below:

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